The Becklin lab uses approaches in plant physiology, microbial ecology, and field biology to explore interactions between plants, microbes, and their environments. To facilitate this work, our lab houses a range of equipment and resources. Please contact Dr. Katie Becklin if you are interested in learning about or using some of the resources listed below.

Plant Physiology Equipment
- LI6800 photosynthesis machines
- LI6800 soil respiration chamber
- Model 1000 plant pressure chamber
- Multi-PIP plant impedance sensor
- LI3100 leaf area meter
- FlashSMART elemental analyzer

Microscopy & Imaging Equipment
- Nikon Ni-U microscope with brightfield and fluorescence
- Nikon SMZ 745T stereomicroscope
- Nikon Elements software
- WinRhizo root imaging system

Plant Growth Facilities
- BDR16 growth chambers
- SU Biology greenhouses
- Protocols in ancient midden research (